Vending Snack Bar is your quick and convenient snack and beverage vending service provider currently located in the state of Texas. VSB provides white glove customer service on top of our daily commitment to catering to our clientele's appetite, product selection, and budget. As a family run vending company, VSB work persistently day-and-night in doing everything in our vending power to keep our clientele, their employees and customers brimful and happy year-round.
-We offer a wide selection of name brand popular snacks, healthier low calorie snacks and cold beverages.
-Excellent service, Rapid customer service response time.
-Customized actions set in place to analyze and succeed at meeting your organizations unique needs.
We love showing our customers and your employees that we appreciate the time spent with us by always keeping your interest at the forefront, in addition to the name brand snacks at prices you can brag about. Vending Snack Bar LLC is the best option for vending! Guaranteed to increase financial savings, production and overall satisfaction.